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Host your website at home
If you want to share your thoughts, ideas, or business with the world, setting up your own website is a great way to do it. While there are many hosting options available, hosting your website from home can be a cost-effective and convenient solution. By following these steps, you can set up a local network and host your own website with a few simple tools and some basic technical know-how.
Determine your hardware requirements
Before you get started, you will need to make sure you have the right hardware in place. Here are the basic requirements for hosting a website at home:
A computer: This will be the server that hosts your website. It needs to be stable, reliable, and connected to the internet via a wired or wireless connection. Ideally, you should choose a computer with a fast processor and plenty of storage to ensure that your website can handle a large number of visitors. In most cases, any Raspberry Pi single board computer should be OK for entry stile website-blog.
A router: This device creates a local network, allowing multiple devices to connect to the internet and communicate with each other. There are many different router options available, ranging from basic models to more advanced ones with additional features such as parental controls and guest networking.
A domain name: This is the unique address that people will use to access your website on the internet. You can purchase a domain name from a registrar, such as GoDaddy or Namecheap. Choose a domain name that is easy to remember and reflects the content of your website.
Set up domain name
A domain name is a unique address that people use to access your website on the internet. It acts as a human-readable label for your website's IP address, which is a series of numbers that identifies your server on the internet.
There are several reasons why a domain name is required when hosting a website:
- A domain name makes it easy for people to find and remember your website. Without a domain name, people would have to remember a long string of numbers in order to access your website, which is not only difficult but also not very user-friendly.
- A domain name gives your website a professional look and feel. By using a domain name that is related to your business or personal brand, you can establish credibility and make a good impression on your visitors.
- A domain name can help you rank higher in search engine results. Search engines tend to give preference to websites with a relevant and well-known domain name, which can help drive more traffic to your website.
- A domain name can protect your brand. By registering a domain name that is similar to your business name or brand, you can prevent others from using it and potentially confusing your customers.
Overall, a domain name is an important investment for any website owner. It helps establish your online presence and makes it easier for people to find and access your website.
You have to take care of security very seriously, as you are opening access to wide world. Having default passwords and insecure software leaves you and your server vulnerable.
Set up your router
To create a local network, you will need to connect your router to your modem and configure it according to the manufacturer's instructions. This typically involves accessing the router's web-based configuration page and entering your network name (also known as the SSID) and password.
You may also need to configure additional settings, such as the type of encryption used to secure your network or the frequency of your wireless signal. Consult your router's documentation or online resources for specific instructions.
Assign a static IP address to your server
In order for your website to be accessible from the internet, you will need to assign a static IP address to your server. This will ensure that your website can be found at the same address every time someone tries to access it.
To assign a static IP address, you will need to access your server's network settings and specify a fixed IP address. This may vary depending on your operating system. On a Windows computer, you can assign a static IP address by going to “Control Panel” > “Network and Internet” > “Network and Sharing Center” > “Change Adapter Settings” > “Properties” > “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” > “Properties” > “Use the following IP address.” On a Mac, you can assign a static IP address by going to “System Preferences” > “Network” > “Advanced” > “TCP/IP” > “Configure IPv4” > “Manually.”
Configure your firewall and port forwarding
Most routers have a built-in firewall to help protect your network from external threats. You will need to configure your firewall to allow incoming connections to your website. This typically involves creating a “firewall rule” that allows traffic on a specific port to pass through the firewall.
In addition to configuring your firewall, you will also need to set up port forwarding, which directs traffic from the internet to your server's IP address. This is typically done through the router's web-based configuration page, where you can specify the port number and the local IP address of your server.
For example, if you are using Apache as your web server software and want to host your website on port 80, you would create a firewall rule that allows incoming traffic on port 80 and set up port forwarding to direct traffic on port 80 to your server's IP address.
Install and configure your web server software
There are many different options for web server software, including Apache, NGINX or LightTPD. Once you have chosen a web server, you will need to install and configure it according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Depending on your web server software, you may need to create a virtual host configuration file, which specifies the domain name and document root of your website. You will also need to place your website's files in the appropriate directory on your computer.
Test your website
Once you have set up your web server and configured your router and firewall, you should be able to access your website from a browser on a device connected to your local network. You can also use a tool like “What's My IP” to verify that your website is accessible from the internet.
Remember to keep your router and computer secure by using strong passwords and keeping your software up to date. With a little bit of planning and setup, you can easily host your own website from the comfort of your own home.
View saved WiFi password on windows
Have you ever wanted to know password that was entered on your computers? Here is and easy way, no need to install. Everything is build-in windows to provide you this information.
Open Command Prompt (start → run → cmd)
netsh wlan show profile
You'll get a list of Wifi's, that you have ever connected. To get password of particular wifi, type following command:
netsh wlan show profile MyWifiName key=clear
just change MyWifiName to something from your list. In “Security settings” group, Attribute “Key Content” you'll see a password saved in your OS.
Push Notifications on Droidscript
NOTE: Proof Of Concept
So, you are developing DroidScript application and your requirement is to send Push-Notifications to user phone. Also, you want to handle correctly those notification messages, so each message would have different outcome: open particular page on your app or do whatever is needed.
Looks like there are some options not to use Google Firebase infrastructure for notifications, but get away with other tool. As this project is more of PoC- there will not be very mature back-end solution or front end. This project is more like showing the way how Push-Notifications can be implemented in you DroidScript app. Obviously, there are more solutions available, and I assume each one witch supports JavaScript should work. But we are learning, so it good to know basics.
This project is to let you understand what it basically needed to have this functionality. No paid tools or licenses are required, event for testing purpose no back-end hardware is required- Public free options can be used.
Concept idea
Basic concept of a project is following: there is Droidscript application, it has Service that runs on background. Service utilise MQTT protocol for receiving messages and creating Android Push-Notifications. Clicks on notification is handled by Main application. Each client should subscribe to unique topic (for PoC I simply used topic notification). Then back-end engine should send messages to required topics.
For MQTT messages, you can fire up your own MQTT Broker or use the Public one. Droidscript MQTT plugin work by communicating with broker user Web Sockets. Wikipedia: WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011, and the WebSocket API in Web IDL is being standardized by the W3C
Backend preparation
This is not needed if you want to test with public brokers. You can skip this part
If you have chosen to set up your own hardware- please follow this write-up further. For this example I use Mosquitto (by Eclipse) software broker that works on mostly any hardware and operating system.
Eclipse Mosquitto is an open source (EPL/EDL licensed) message broker that implements the MQTT protocol versions 5.0, 3.1.1 and 3.1. Mosquitto is lightweight and is suitable for use on all devices from low power single board computers to full servers.
My hardware is Raspberry Pi 2B+. The same broker can be used in IOT projects, for example with ESP32 to send you sensors value.
Here I will cover configuration required for Web Sockets and MQTT Broker. How this can be installed search here. If you are on linux, after installing broker you need to chaneg configuration. Edit following file with a command sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf or any other way you like it.
# if you need to have closed system- you need to # provide were login details are saved # if allow_anonymous is set to false password_file /etc/mosquitto/public/public.passwd listener 1884 allow_anonymous false # web sockets configuration listener 9004 protocol websockets
After changing configuration, you should be able to connect to your Broker via MQTT. For checking it, you can use HiveMQ WebSocket Client. Provide your broker IP, port (and login if needed). If it connects succesfully, you can subscribe to topic $SYS/# Here you will get all statistics how your Mosquitto is running.
Software preparation
The next step is to prepare software side. To work with MQTT- plugin is needed that is can be downloaded from droidscript application. Install it
Create new JavaScript application in your DroidScript . Your project must have two files: main file that is named after you project, and another, named “Service.js”. This tells your DroidScript application to run Service.js as Android service and listed for DroidScript messages.
//Called when application is started. function OnStart() { //Start our service. svc = app.CreateService( "this","this", ()={ // On service ready console.log( "Service Ready" ); }); svc.SetOnMessage( OnServiceMessage ); //This will cause your service to start at boot. //(Set it to "none" if you need to stop it starting) app.SetAutoBoot( "Service" ); var id = app.GetNotifyId(); if( id ) HandleNotification(id); } //Called when application is resumed. //(eg. When user returns from home screen) // or after notification is clickeed while app was open function OnResume() { app.ShowPopup( "On resume!", "Short" ); var id = app.GetNotifyId(); if( id ) HandleNotification(id); } function HandleNotification(id) { app.CreateNotification().Cancel(id) app.Alert( id, "Notification ID" ); } //Called when messages comes from our service. function OnServiceMessage( msg ) { console.log( "Service Message: " + msg ); }
Here is code for your service file. File must be named exactly this way to make it work as Android service
- Service.js
app.LoadPlugin( "MQTT" ); //Note: When running background services on newer Huawei phones, you //may need to go into the Android battery saving settings and enable //DroidScript to run in the background if you want background //notifications to work when the phone is locked. //Called when service is started. function OnStart() { //Force service to foreground on newer devices (required). if( app.GetBuildNum() > 25 ) { app.SetInForeground( "Waiting for notification..."); } // my private mosquitto configuration var mosquitto_options = { servers:[{ host: "bukys.eu", port: 9004 }], keepalive: 1800, username: "myUser", password: "myPass", } // Unique identifier for each device if(app.IsAPK()) mosquitto_options.clientId = "Android-" + app.GetDeviceId() else mosquitto_options.clientId = "IDE-" + app.GetDeviceId() // Public mosquitto connection // client = mqtt.connect( 'ws://broker.hivemq.com:8000/mqtt' ); client = mqtt.connect( mosquitto_options ); client.on( 'connect', ()=>{ client.subscribe( 'notification', {qos:2} ); // send client id as message to topic "clients" client.publish("clients", mosquitto_options.clientId) }); // create Android notification when MQTT message arrives to subscribed topic client.on( 'message', (topic, message)=>{ not = app.CreateNotification(); not.SetMessage( "ticker", "MQTT "+topic, "Msg: " + message, "Message: "+ message ); not.Notify( message ); }); setInterval(()=>{ client.publish("heartbeat", new Date().toLocaleString()) }, 60000) }
Word of warning- android system limits web services. In my POC i've set up message publication each 1 minute to HeartBeat topic, so I would know how service behaves under the hood. On Android 11 Samsung device, at first it sends message each 1 minute, but later gradually increasing time between hear-beets. On my test average is 7 minutes. Looks like it does work correctly and on receiving MQTT message- prepare notification. Sure, if you unlock your device, heartbeat is sent each minute. You may need to play around with various battery optimisation setting for your application.
There are various MQTT protocol settings (Retained and QoS) may ensure that message is received even if device is disconnected upon sending notification message to broker from back-end. Client will get it when it connect to it unique topic.