
Spot-inThis app will provide information, where transportation inspectors are working. It is community based service and only users can create content.

Don't be swindler and pay for transportation services
2.0FinishedJS HTML CSS

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Platform & Version Bug / Fix / Update Status
Android <unknown>Crash on rotateUnconfirmed
Crash on entering station nameUnconfirmed
+ Swipe navigation: Swipe right/left- go back;
+ Software based Menu button;
+ Availability to delete your own report within 3 minutes after posting
* Duplicates prevention
* Database logic moved from PHP to MySQL
* Station auto-complete issues
* Better error handling
* UI1) enhancements and fixes

User Interface
Mindaugas, 2012/11/16 13:28

Bus ant apple gaminiu ? :]]

me, 2012/11/22 06:22, 2021/11/19 16:04

Norėčiau plėstis į obuoliukus ir langines. Kaip ir kada man tai pavyks- čia jau kitas reikalas ;-)

To ignas., 2012/12/16 16:44
Gal dar Lumia'om ka nors sumastytum? :)
gr., 2013/01/09 10:55
Tai lumia ir yra windows phone:) Jo, butu puiku, jei kazka sumastytum, Ignai ;)
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  • project/spot-in/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/11/19 16:00
  • by Ignas