KY-040 - Rotary Encoder
360 Degrees Rotary Encoder Module with 15×16.5 mm Potentiometer Rotary Knob Cap
- Working voltage: 5V
- Pulse circle: 20
- Size: 26 x 19 x 29mm Diameter of the thread: 7mm
- Height of the thread: 7mm
# Author: Ignas Bukys # Copyright Ignas Bukys 2022 Released under the MIT license # Based on Kevin Köck and Peter Hinch's works for rotary encoder and async switch. # Created on 2022-09-10 __updated__ = "2022-09-10" __version__ = "0.1" import uasyncio as asyncio import time import micropython from machine import Pin _DIR_CW = const(0x10) # Clockwise step _DIR_CCW = const(0x20) # Counter-clockwise step # Rotary Encoder States _R_START = const(0x0) _R_CW_1 = const(0x1) _R_CW_2 = const(0x2) _R_CW_3 = const(0x3) _R_CCW_1 = const(0x4) _R_CCW_2 = const(0x5) _R_CCW_3 = const(0x6) _R_ILLEGAL = const(0x7) _R_transition_table = [ # |------------- NEXT STATE -------------| |CURRENT STATE| # CLK/DT CLK/DT CLK/DT CLK/DT # 00 01 10 11 [_R_START, _R_CCW_1, _R_CW_1, _R_START], # _R_START [_R_CW_2, _R_START, _R_CW_1, _R_START], # _R_CW_1 [_R_CW_2, _R_CW_3, _R_CW_1, _R_START], # _R_CW_2 [_R_CW_2, _R_CW_3, _R_START, _R_START | _DIR_CW], # _R_CW_3 [_R_CCW_2, _R_CCW_1, _R_START, _R_START], # _R_CCW_1 [_R_CCW_2, _R_CCW_1, _R_CCW_3, _R_START], # _R_CCW_2 [_R_CCW_2, _R_START, _R_CCW_3, _R_START | _DIR_CCW], # _R_CCW_3 [_R_START, _R_START, _R_START, _R_START]] # _R_ILLEGAL _R_transition_table_half_step = [ [_R_CW_3, _R_CW_2, _R_CW_1, _R_START], [_R_CW_3 | _DIR_CCW, _R_START, _R_CW_1, _R_START], [_R_CW_3 | _DIR_CW, _R_CW_2, _R_START, _R_START], [_R_CW_3, _R_CCW_2, _R_CCW_1, _R_START], [_R_CW_3, _R_CW_2, _R_CCW_1, _R_START | _DIR_CW], [_R_CW_3, _R_CCW_2, _R_CW_3, _R_START | _DIR_CCW], [_R_START, _R_START, _R_START, _R_START], [_R_START, _R_START, _R_START, _R_START]] _STATE_MASK = const(0x07) _DIR_MASK = const(0x30) type_gen = type((lambda: (yield))()) # Generator type # If a callback is passed, run it and return. # If a coro is passed initiate it and return. # coros are passed by name i.e. not using function call syntax. def launch(func, tup_args): res = func(*tup_args) if isinstance(res, type_gen): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(res) class ky040: debounce_ms = 50 long_press_ms = 1000 double_click_ms = 400 def __init__(self, btn_num, clk_num, dt_num, rotary_reverse = False, suppress=True): = Pin(btn_num, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self._supp = suppress # don't call release func after long press self._if = None # increment function self._ef = None # decrement function self._tf = None # pressed function self._ff = None # released function self._df = None # double pressed function self._lf = None # long pressed function self._value = 0 self._state = _R_START self._listener = [] self._reverse = -1 if rotary_reverse else 1 self._pin_clk = Pin(clk_num, Pin.IN) self._pin_dt = Pin(dt_num, Pin.IN) self._hal_enable_irq() self.sense = # Convert from electrical to logical value self.btn_state = self.rawstate() # Initial state loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(self.buttoncheck()) # Thread runs forever def add_listener(self, l): self._listener.append(l) def remove_listener(self, l): if l not in self._listener: raise ValueError('{} is not an installed listener'.format(l)) self._listener.remove(l) def increment_func(self, func, args=()): self._if = func self._ia = args def decrement_func(self, func, args=()): self._ef = func self._ea = args def press_func(self, func, args=()): self._tf = func self._ta = args def release_func(self, func, args=()): self._ff = func self._fa = args def double_func(self, func, args=()): self._df = func self._da = args def long_func(self, func, args=()): self._lf = func self._la = args def _enable_clk_irq(self, callback=None): self._pin_clk.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING | Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=callback) def _enable_dt_irq(self, callback=None): self._pin_dt.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING | Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=callback) def _disable_clk_irq(self): self._pin_clk.irq(handler=None) def _disable_dt_irq(self): self._pin_dt.irq(handler=None) def _hal_get_clk_value(self): return self._pin_clk.value() def _hal_get_dt_value(self): return self._pin_dt.value() def _hal_enable_irq(self): self._enable_clk_irq(self._process_rotary_pins) self._enable_dt_irq(self._process_rotary_pins) def _hal_disable_irq(self): self._disable_clk_irq() self._disable_dt_irq() def _hal_close(self): self._hal_disable_irq() def _process_rotary_pins(self, pin): old_value = self._value clk_dt_pins = (self._hal_get_clk_value() << 1) | self._hal_get_dt_value() # Determine next state self._state = _R_transition_table[self._state & _STATE_MASK][clk_dt_pins] direction = self._state & _DIR_MASK incr = 0 if direction == _DIR_CW: incr = 1 elif direction == _DIR_CCW: incr = -1 incr *= self._reverse if incr > 0 and self._if: # launch(self._if, self._ia) micropython.schedule(self._if, self._ia) elif incr < 0 and self._ef: # launch(self._ef, self._ea) micropython.schedule(self._ef, self._ea) # Current non-debounced logical button state: True == pressed def rawstate(self): return bool( ^ self.sense) # Current debounced state of button (True == pressed) def __call__(self): return self.btn_state async def buttoncheck(self): t_change = None supp = False clicks = 0 lpr = False # long press ran #### # local functions for performance improvements deb = self.debounce_ms dcms = self.double_click_ms lpms = self.long_press_ms raw = self.rawstate ticks_diff = time.ticks_diff ticks_ms = time.ticks_ms # while True: btn_state = raw() if btn_state is False and self.btn_state is False and self._supp and \ ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t_change) > dcms and clicks > 0 and self._ff: clicks = 0 # launch(self._ff, self._fa) micropython.schedule(self._ff, self._fa) elif btn_state is True and self.btn_state is True: if clicks > 0 and ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t_change) > dcms: # double click timeout clicks = 0 if self._lf and lpr is False: # check long press if ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t_change) >= lpms: lpr = True clicks = 0 if self._supp is True: supp = True # launch(self._lf, self._la) micropython.schedule(self._lf, self._la) elif btn_state != self.btn_state: # state changed lpr = False self.btn_state = btn_state if btn_state is True: # Button pressed: launch pressed func if ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t_change) > dcms: clicks = 0 if self._df: clicks += 1 if clicks == 2: # double click clicks = 0 if self._supp is True: supp = True # launch(self._df, self._da) micropython.schedule(self._df, self._da) elif self._tf: # launch(self._tf, self._ta) micropython.schedule(self._tf, self._ta) else: # Button released. launch release func if supp is True: supp = False elif clicks and self._supp > 0: pass elif self._ff: # not after a long press with suppress # launch(self._ff, self._fa) micropython.schedule(self._ff, self._fa) t_change = ticks_ms() # Ignore state changes until switch has settled await asyncio.sleep_ms(deb)
import sys import time from machine import Pin, PWM import uasyncio as asyncio from libs.ky040 import ky040 time.sleep(3) def map(x, in_min=0, in_max=180, out_min=25, out_max=115): return int((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min) # example of a class that uses one rotary encoder class Application1(): def __init__(self, r1): self.r1 = r1 self.myevent = asyncio.Event() asyncio.create_task(self.action()) r1.add_listener(self.callback) def callback(self): self.myevent.set() async def action(self): while True: await self.myevent.wait() print('App 1: rotary = {}'. format(self.r1.value())) servo.duty(map(self.r1.value() * 10)) # do something with the encoder result ... self.myevent.clear() rot = ky040(btn_num = 17, clk_num=13, dt_num=12, rotary_reverse=True) print("Starting rotary encoder") async def main(): short_press = rot.release_func(print, ("SHORT",)) double_press = rot.double_func(print, ("DOUBLE",)) long_press = rot.long_func(print, ("LONG",)) incr = rot.increment_func(print, ("INCR",)) decr = rot.decrement_func(print, ("DECR",)) # create tasks that use the rotary encoders app1 = Application1(rot) while True: await asyncio.sleep(1)