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ILI9341 - TFT LCD Screen

240×320 SPI TFT LCD Serial Port Module with touch + 5V/3.3V PBC Adapter MicroSD 2.8' 3.2'


  • LCD Size: 2.8 or 3.2 inch
  • Type: TFT
  • Driver: ILI9341
  • Resolution: 320*240
  • Interface: SPI interface
  • PCB Size: 55*89.3mm
  • VCC Voltage: 3.3 -5V
  • Logic IO Voltage: 3.3V (TTL)
  • Consumption: 90mA

Pin Definition:

  • VCC: Power Input 3.3V -5V
  • GND: Power Source
  • CS: LCD Chip Select
  • Reset: LCD reset
  • DC: LCD bus command/data selection
  • SDI (MOSI): LCD SPI display bus data input
  • SCK: LCD SPI display bus clock signal
  • LED: LCD backlight control (high level light up)
  • SDO (MISO): LCD SPI display bus data output
  • T_CLK: Touch panel SPI bus clock signal
  • T_CS: Touch panel SPI bus chip selection
  • T_DIN: Touch panel SPI bus data input
  • T_DO: Touch panel SPI bus data output
  • T_IRQ: touch panel terminal IRQ signal

# Pure/Hybrid micropython lvgl display driver for ili9341 and ili9488 on ESP32
# For ili9341 display:
#   Build micropython with
#   (make parameter) to configure LVGL use the same color format as ili9341
#   and prevent the need to loop over all pixels to translate them.
# For ili9488 display:
#   Build micropython with
#   (make parameter) to configure LVGL use the ARGB color format, which can be
#   easily converted to RGB format used by ili9488 display.
#   Default SPI freq is set to 40MHz. This means cca 9fps of full screen
#   redraw. to increase FPS, you can use 80MHz SPI - easily add parameter
#   mhz=80 in initialization of driver.
# Critical function for high FPS are flush and ISR.
# when "hybrid=True", use C implementation for these functions instead of
# pure python implementation. This improves each frame in about 15ms!
# When hybrid=False driver is pure micropython.
# Pure Micropython could be viable when ESP32 supports Viper code emitter.
# ili9488 driver DO NOT support pure micropython now (because of required
# color convert). Pure micropython is supported only for ili9341 display!
import espidf as esp
import lvgl as lv
import lvesp32
import micropython
import gc
from utime import sleep_ms
# gc.threshold(0x10000) # leave enough room for SPI master TX DMA buffers
# Constants
COLOR_MODE_RGB = const(0x00)
COLOR_MODE_BGR = const(0x08)
MADCTL_MH = const(0x04)
MADCTL_ML = const(0x10)
MADCTL_MV = const(0x20)
MADCTL_MX = const(0x40)
MADCTL_MY = const(0x80)
ROTATE_0 = b"\x40"
ROTATE_90 = b"\x20"
ROTATE_180 = b"\x80"
ROTATE_270 = b"\xE0"
ROTATE_90_MIRROR = b"\x60"
ROTATE_180_MIRROR = b"\x00"
ROTATE_270_MIRROR = b"\xA0"
DISPLAY_TYPE_ILI9341 = const(1)
DISPLAY_TYPE_ILI9488 = const(2)
class ili9XXX:
    TRANS_BUFFER_LEN = const(16)
    display_name = 'ili9XXX'
    display_type = 0
    init_cmds = [ ]
    # Default values of "power" and "backlight" are reversed logic! 0 means ON.
    # You can change this by setting backlight_on and power_on arguments.
    def __init__(self,
        miso=5, mosi=18, clk=19, cs=13, dc=12, rst=4, power=14, backlight=15, backlight_on=0, power_on=0,
        spihost=esp.HSPI_HOST, mhz=40, factor=4, hybrid=True, width=240, height=320,
        colormode=COLOR_MODE_BGR, rot=PORTRAIT, invert=False, double_buffer=True, half_duplex=True, display_type=0
        # Initializations
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.miso = miso
        self.mosi = mosi
        self.clk = clk
        self.cs = cs
        self.dc = dc
        self.rst = rst
        self.power = power
        self.backlight = backlight
        self.backlight_on = backlight_on
        self.power_on = power_on
        self.spihost = spihost
        self.mhz = mhz
        self.factor = factor
        self.hybrid = hybrid
        self.half_duplex = half_duplex
        self.buf_size = (self.width * self.height * lv.color_t.SIZE) // factor
        if invert:
            self.init_cmds.append({'cmd': 0x21})
        # Register display driver 
        self.buf1 = esp.heap_caps_malloc(self.buf_size, esp.MALLOC_CAP.DMA)
        self.buf2 = esp.heap_caps_malloc(self.buf_size, esp.MALLOC_CAP.DMA) if double_buffer else None
        if self.buf1 and self.buf2:
            print("Double buffer")
        elif self.buf1:
            print("Single buffer")
            raise RuntimeError("Not enough DMA-able memory to allocate display buffer")
        self.disp_buf = lv.disp_buf_t()
        self.disp_drv = lv.disp_drv_t()
        self.disp_buf.init(self.buf1, self.buf2, self.buf_size // lv.color_t.SIZE)
        self.disp_drv.user_data = {'dc': self.dc, 'spi': self.spi, 'dt': self.display_type}
        self.disp_drv.buffer = self.disp_buf
        self.disp_drv.flush_cb = esp.ili9xxx_flush if hybrid and hasattr(esp, 'ili9xxx_flush') else self.flush
        self.disp_drv.monitor_cb = self.monitor
        self.disp_drv.hor_res = self.width
        self.disp_drv.ver_res = self.height
    def disp_spi_init(self):
        # Register finalizer callback to deinit SPI.
        # This would get called on soft reset.
        self.finalizer = lvesp32.cb_finalizer(self.deinit)
        buscfg = esp.spi_bus_config_t({
            "miso_io_num": self.miso,
            "mosi_io_num": self.mosi,
            "sclk_io_num": self.clk,
            "quadwp_io_num": -1,
            "quadhd_io_num": -1,
            "max_transfer_sz": self.buf_size,
        devcfg_flags = esp.SPI_DEVICE.NO_DUMMY
        if self.half_duplex:
            devcfg_flags |= esp.SPI_DEVICE.HALFDUPLEX
        devcfg = esp.spi_device_interface_config_t({
            "clock_speed_hz": self.mhz*1000*1000,   # Clock out at DISP_SPI_MHZ MHz
            "mode": 0,                              # SPI mode 0
            "spics_io_num": self.cs,                # CS pin
            "queue_size": 2,
            "flags": devcfg_flags,
            "duty_cycle_pos": 128,
        if self.hybrid and hasattr(esp, 'ili9xxx_post_cb_isr'):
            devcfg.pre_cb = None
            devcfg.post_cb = esp.ili9xxx_post_cb_isr
            devcfg.pre_cb = esp.spi_pre_cb_isr
            devcfg.post_cb = esp.spi_post_cb_isr
        # Initialize the SPI bus, if needed.
        if buscfg.miso_io_num >= 0 and \
           buscfg.mosi_io_num >= 0 and \
           buscfg.sclk_io_num >= 0:
                esp.gpio_set_direction(self.miso, esp.GPIO_MODE.INPUT)
                esp.gpio_set_pull_mode(self.miso, esp.GPIO.PULLUP_ONLY)
                esp.gpio_set_direction(self.mosi, esp.GPIO_MODE.OUTPUT)
                esp.gpio_set_direction(self.clk, esp.GPIO_MODE.OUTPUT)
                ret = esp.spi_bus_initialize(self.spihost, buscfg, 1)
                if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed initializing SPI bus")
        self.trans_buffer = esp.heap_caps_malloc(TRANS_BUFFER_LEN, esp.MALLOC_CAP.DMA)
        self.cmd_trans_data = self.trans_buffer.__dereference__(1)
        self.word_trans_data = self.trans_buffer.__dereference__(4)
        # Attach the LCD to the SPI bus
        ptr_to_spi = esp.C_Pointer()
        ret = esp.spi_bus_add_device(self.spihost, devcfg, ptr_to_spi)
        if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed adding SPI device")
        self.spi = ptr_to_spi.ptr_val
        self.bytes_transmitted = 0
        completed_spi_transaction = esp.spi_transaction_t()
        cast_spi_transaction_instance = esp.spi_transaction_t.cast_instance
        def post_isr(arg):
            reported_transmitted = self.bytes_transmitted
            if reported_transmitted > 0:
                print('- Completed DMA of %d bytes (mem_free=0x%X)' % (reported_transmitted , gc.mem_free()))
                self.bytes_transmitted -= reported_transmitted
        # Called in ISR context!
        def flush_isr(spi_transaction_ptr):
            # esp.spi_device_release_bus(self.spi)
            # cast_spi_transaction_instance(completed_spi_transaction, spi_transaction_ptr)
            # self.bytes_transmitted += completed_spi_transaction.length
            # try:
            #     micropython.schedule(post_isr, None)
            # except RuntimeError:
            #     pass
        self.spi_callbacks = esp.spi_transaction_set_cb(None, flush_isr)
    # Deinitialize SPI device and bus, and free memory
    # This function is called from finilizer during gc sweep - therefore must not allocate memory!
    trans_result_ptr = esp.C_Pointer()
    def deinit(self):
        print('Deinitializing {}..'.format(self.display_name))
        # Prevent callbacks to lvgl, which refer to the buffers we are about to delete
        if self.spi:
            # Pop all pending transaction results
            ret = 0
            while ret == 0:
                ret = esp.spi_device_get_trans_result(self.spi, self.trans_result_ptr , 1)
            # Remove device
            self.spi = None
            # Free SPI bus
            self.spihost = None
        # Free RAM
        if self.buf1:
            self.buf1 = None
        if self.buf2:
            self.buf2 = None
        if self.trans_buffer:
            self.trans_buffer = None
    trans = esp.spi_transaction_t() # .cast(
#                esp.heap_caps_malloc(
#                    esp.spi_transaction_t.SIZE, esp.MALLOC_CAP.DMA))
    def spi_send(self, data):
        self.trans.length = len(data) * 8   # Length is in bytes, transaction length is in bits. 
        self.trans.tx_buffer = data         # data should be allocated as DMA-able memory
        self.trans.user = None
        esp.spi_device_polling_transmit(self.spi, self.trans)
    def spi_send_dma(self, data):
        self.trans.length = len(data) * 8   # Length is in bytes, transaction length is in bits. 
        self.trans.tx_buffer = data         # data should be allocated as DMA-able memory
        self.trans.user = self.spi_callbacks
        esp.spi_device_queue_trans(self.spi, self.trans, -1)
    def send_cmd(self, cmd):
        esp.gpio_set_level(self.dc, 0)	    # Command mode
        self.cmd_trans_data[0] = cmd
    def send_data(self, data):
        esp.gpio_set_level(self.dc, 1)	    # Data mode
        if len(data) > TRANS_BUFFER_LEN: raise RuntimeError('Data too long, please use DMA!')
        trans_data = self.trans_buffer.__dereference__(len(data))
        trans_data[:] = data[:]
    def send_trans_word(self):
        esp.gpio_set_level(self.dc, 1)	    # Data mode
    def send_data_dma(self, data):          # data should be allocated as DMA-able memory
        esp.gpio_set_level(self.dc, 1)      # Data mode
    def init(self):
        # Initialize non-SPI GPIOs
        if self.backlight != -1: esp.gpio_pad_select_gpio(self.backlight)
        if self.power != -1: esp.gpio_pad_select_gpio(self.power)
        esp.gpio_set_direction(self.dc, esp.GPIO_MODE.OUTPUT)
        esp.gpio_set_direction(self.rst, esp.GPIO_MODE.OUTPUT)
        if self.backlight != -1: esp.gpio_set_direction(self.backlight, esp.GPIO_MODE.OUTPUT)
        if self.power != -1: esp.gpio_set_direction(self.power, esp.GPIO_MODE.OUTPUT)
        # Power the display
        if self.power != -1:
            esp.gpio_set_level(self.power, self.power_on)
        # Reset the display
        esp.gpio_set_level(self.rst, 0)
        esp.gpio_set_level(self.rst, 1)
        # Send all the commands
        for cmd in self.init_cmds:
            if 'data' in cmd:
            if 'delay' in cmd:
        print("{} initialization completed".format(self.display_name))
        # Enable backlight
        if self.backlight != -1:
            print("Enable backlight")
            esp.gpio_set_level(self.backlight, self.backlight_on)
    start_time_ptr = esp.C_Pointer()
    end_time_ptr = esp.C_Pointer()
    flush_acc_setup_cycles = 0
    flush_acc_dma_cycles = 0
    def flush(self, disp_drv, area, color_p):
        if self.end_time_ptr.int_val and self.end_time_ptr.int_val > self.start_time_ptr.int_val:
            self.flush_acc_dma_cycles +=  self.end_time_ptr.int_val - self.start_time_ptr.int_val
        # esp.spi_device_acquire_bus(self.spi, esp.ESP.MAX_DELAY)
        # Column addresses
        self.word_trans_data[0] = (area.x1 >> 8) & 0xFF
        self.word_trans_data[1] = area.x1 & 0xFF
        self.word_trans_data[2] = (area.x2 >> 8) & 0xFF
        self.word_trans_data[3] = area.x2 & 0xFF
        # Page addresses
        self.word_trans_data[0] = (area.y1 >> 8) & 0xFF
        self.word_trans_data[1] = area.y1 & 0xFF
        self.word_trans_data[2] = (area.y2 >> 8) & 0xFF
        self.word_trans_data[3] = area.y2 & 0xFF
        # Memory write by DMA, disp_flush_ready when finished
        size = (area.x2 - area.x1 + 1) * (area.y2 - area.y1 + 1)
        data_view = color_p.__dereference__(size * lv.color_t.SIZE)
        if self.end_time_ptr.int_val > self.start_time_ptr.int_val:
            self.flush_acc_setup_cycles += self.end_time_ptr.int_val - self.start_time_ptr.int_val
    monitor_acc_time = 0
    monitor_acc_px = 0
    monitor_count = 0
    cycles_in_ms = esp.esp_clk_cpu_freq() // 1000
    def monitor(self, disp_drv, time, px):
        self.monitor_acc_time += time
        self.monitor_acc_px += px
        self.monitor_count += 1
    def stat(self):
        if self.monitor_count == 0:
            return None
        time = self.monitor_acc_time // self.monitor_count
        setup = self.flush_acc_setup_cycles // (self.monitor_count * self.cycles_in_ms)
        dma = self.flush_acc_dma_cycles // (self.monitor_count * self.cycles_in_ms)
        px = self.monitor_acc_px // self.monitor_count
        self.monitor_acc_time = 0
        self.monitor_acc_px = 0
        self.monitor_count = 0
        self.flush_acc_setup_cycles = 0
        self.flush_acc_dma_cycles = 0
        return time, setup, dma, px
class ili9341(ili9XXX):
    def __init__(self,
        miso=5, mosi=18, clk=19, cs=13, dc=12, rst=4, power=14, backlight=15, backlight_on=0, power_on=0,
        spihost=esp.HSPI_HOST, mhz=40, factor=4, hybrid=True, width=240, height=320,
        colormode=COLOR_MODE_BGR, rot=PORTRAIT, invert=False, double_buffer=True, half_duplex=True
        # Make sure Micropython was built such that color won't require processing before DMA
        if lv.color_t.SIZE != 2:
            raise RuntimeError('ili9341 micropython driver requires defining LV_COLOR_DEPTH=16')
        if colormode == COLOR_MODE_BGR and not hasattr(lv.color_t().ch, 'green_l'):
            raise RuntimeError('ili9341 BGR color mode requires defining LV_COLOR_16_SWAP=1')
        self.display_name = 'ILI9341'
        self.display_type = DISPLAY_TYPE_ILI9341
        self.init_cmds = [
            {'cmd': 0xCF, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x83, 0X30])},
            {'cmd': 0xED, 'data': bytes([0x64, 0x03, 0X12, 0X81])},
            {'cmd': 0xE8, 'data': bytes([0x85, 0x01, 0x79])},
            {'cmd': 0xCB, 'data': bytes([0x39, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x34, 0x02])},
            {'cmd': 0xF7, 'data': bytes([0x20])},
            {'cmd': 0xEA, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x00])},
            {'cmd': 0xC0, 'data': bytes([0x26])},               # Power control
            {'cmd': 0xC1, 'data': bytes([0x11])},               # Power control
            {'cmd': 0xC5, 'data': bytes([0x35, 0x3E])},	        # VCOM control
            {'cmd': 0xC7, 'data': bytes([0xBE])},               # VCOM control
            {'cmd': 0x36, 'data': bytes([rot | colormode])},    # Memory Access Control
            {'cmd': 0x3A, 'data': bytes([0x55])},               # Pixel Format Set
            {'cmd': 0xB1, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x1B])},
            {'cmd': 0xF2, 'data': bytes([0x08])},
            {'cmd': 0x26, 'data': bytes([0x01])},
            {'cmd': 0xE0, 'data': bytes([0x1F, 0x1A, 0x18, 0x0A, 0x0F, 0x06, 0x45, 0X87, 0x32, 0x0A, 0x07, 0x02, 0x07, 0x05, 0x00])},
            {'cmd': 0XE1, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x25, 0x27, 0x05, 0x10, 0x09, 0x3A, 0x78, 0x4D, 0x05, 0x18, 0x0D, 0x38, 0x3A, 0x1F])},
            {'cmd': 0x2A, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEF])},
            {'cmd': 0x2B, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x3f])},
            {'cmd': 0x2C, 'data': bytes([0])},
            {'cmd': 0xB7, 'data': bytes([0x07])},
            {'cmd': 0xB6, 'data': bytes([0x0A, 0x82, 0x27, 0x00])},
            {'cmd': 0x11, 'data': bytes([0]), 'delay':100},
            {'cmd': 0x29, 'data': bytes([0]), 'delay':100}
        super().__init__(miso, mosi, clk, cs, dc, rst, power, backlight, backlight_on, power_on,
            spihost, mhz, factor, hybrid, width, height, colormode, rot, invert, double_buffer, half_duplex)
class ili9488(ili9XXX):
    def __init__(self,
        miso=5, mosi=18, clk=19, cs=13, dc=12, rst=4, power=14, backlight=15, backlight_on=0, power_on=0,
        spihost=esp.HSPI_HOST, mhz=40, factor=8, hybrid=True, width=320, height=480,
        colormode=COLOR_MODE_RGB, rot=PORTRAIT, invert=False, double_buffer=True, half_duplex=True
        if lv.color_t.SIZE != 4:
            raise RuntimeError('ili9488 micropython driver requires defining LV_COLOR_DEPTH=32')
        if not hybrid:
            raise RuntimeError('ili9488 micropython driver do not support non-hybrid driver')
        self.display_name = 'ILI9488'
        self.display_type = DISPLAY_TYPE_ILI9488
        self.init_cmds = [
            {'cmd': 0x01, 'data': bytes([0]), 'delay': 200},
            {'cmd': 0x11, 'data': bytes([0]), 'delay': 120},
            {'cmd': 0xE0, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x03, 0x09, 0x08, 0x16, 0x0A, 0x3F, 0x78, 0x4C, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x08, 0x16, 0x1A, 0x0F])},
            {'cmd': 0xE1, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x16, 0x19, 0x03, 0x0F, 0x05, 0x32, 0x45, 0x46, 0x04, 0x0E, 0x0D, 0x35, 0x37, 0x0F])},
            {'cmd': 0xC0, 'data': bytes([0x17, 0x15])}, ### 0x13, 0x13
            {'cmd': 0xC1, 'data': bytes([0x41])},       ### 
            {'cmd': 0xC2, 'data': bytes([0x44])},       ### 
            {'cmd': 0xC5, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x12, 0x80])},
            #{'cmd': 0xC5, 'data': bytes([0x00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0])},
            {'cmd': 0x36, 'data': bytes([rot | colormode])},    # Memory Access Control
            {'cmd': 0x3A, 'data': bytes([0x66])},
            {'cmd': 0xB0, 'data': bytes([0x00])},
            {'cmd': 0xB1, 'data': bytes([0xA0])},
            {'cmd': 0xB4, 'data': bytes([0x02])},
            {'cmd': 0xB6, 'data': bytes([0x02, 0x02])},
            {'cmd': 0xE9, 'data': bytes([0x00])},
            {'cmd': 0x53, 'data': bytes([0x28])},
            {'cmd': 0x51, 'data': bytes([0x7F])},
            {'cmd': 0xF7, 'data': bytes([0xA9, 0x51, 0x2C, 0x02])},
            {'cmd': 0x29, 'data': bytes([0]), 'delay': 120}
        super().__init__(miso, mosi, clk, cs, dc, rst, power, backlight, backlight_on, power_on,
            spihost, mhz, factor, hybrid, width, height, colormode, rot, invert, double_buffer, half_duplex, display_type=DISPLAY_TYPE_ILI9488)
  • components/ili9341.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/02/21 21:04
  • by Ignas