
Codebender invite

Well well, after morning email check i have found invite to use CodeBender service. And what is here? Codebender is online IDE for arduino development. This service can compile you code and upload it to you local arduino device, or event remote1) Arduino device via TCP/IP. I think this will be great change from native Arduino IDE to web based full featured Arduino Integrated Development Environment

2014/02/04 18:18

jQuery UI is now compatible with jQuery mobile

Good news for JQuery developers- two of most popular frameworks becames compatible. Now, jQuery, jQuery-Mobile and jQuery-UI could be used at the same time- no more error any more. Great!!!
jQuery 2.0.3 + jQuery-mobile 1.3.1 + jQuery-UI 1.10.3

In earlier versions I've been sacrificing jQ-UI because of compatibility issues with JQM, but now I'll use full power of jQuery without any additional3rd party plugins.

2014/02/04 18:18 · 1 Comment

Reliable way to get date in batch scripting

It's been long time since my last post, but I'm here, and watching :-)

Lately, I've got assignment to create MySQL backup script. It must be automatically scheduled by MS Windows Task Scheduler. As it is automatic, script should create new backup name each time. What is the best way to name backups? Probably to include date of backup.
And here my problems begins. If you grab date file_%date%.bak you may end up in various ways:

  • File can be created and named as you've expected;
  • Back up file does not appear (because of illegal characters used as date separator);
  • Backup file named somehow strangely.

I've tried all various ways to create file names as I wanted to by splitting date into Year, Mont and Day. But when it comes to locale- date can be in imperial style: YYYY/DD/MM
I want universal script to work on all locales or formats, so tried to catch date separator to guess format. This kind of tinkering complicated my script till unusable… And suddenly I step over WMI2) once again. This instrument is life saver. For real!! I have found Win32_OperatingSystem class in root\CIMV2 namespace. And you know what? It has exactly what I need. I just needed to query LocalDateTime property to get Date and time. This property hold my valuables in this format:


This format is independent from locale or whatever else factors, it's allways the same.
Now I see my road bright and clear- I must use WMI to get my date and split it into Year, Mont and Day. This could be done quite simply in batch scripting file:

for /f %%a in ('wmic os get LocalDateTime ^| findstr ^[0-9]') do (set ts=%%a)
ECHO %ts:~0,8%-%ts:~8,4%

This way I get 20130625-0948

So just script your filename as following and you are ready to go

SET filename = %ts:~0,8%.bak

Anti-Spam Security

I hate spam, as everyone do. Since my website was quite vulnerable by spam bots- I had to implement some kind of security. From now on every unregistered user must enter capcha text, visible right after comment form. I don't mean to raise any difficulties for my visitors, but this type of security is essential.

2014/02/04 18:18 · 0 Comments

Obstacles and traps of JQuery

Celebration of Christmas and New Year have ended. Its time to back to work on projects.
Did some progress on Spot-In's server backend. Begun to update front end. I would like to allow user to delete his own report within few minutes after posting. It's quite ordinal in mobile UI3) that taphold4) event brings additional menu for touched item. I would like to use it to delete record.
Everything looks good till you try. Attached tap and taphold events for items and problems flow out:

  • If you taphold, tap event is executed
  • If you try to scroll down- taphold event is executed. As mentioned is previous problem, taphold is followed with tap.

Well, I could deal with tap and taphold problem if where would be no need to scroll down. This ListViews requirement was my traps. Searched whole web. I've tried various hakish ways of achieving what is needed and each time I've banged head into wall.

Finally, after a week I've found one simple and interesting solution, that really works. Swipe (scroll), taphold work perfectly. Solution is quite simple: taphold threshold and swipe duration threshold must differentiate at least 1ms(millisecond). And these thresholds mus be set before loading JQuery mobile library. Script should look like so:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).bind("mobileinit", function () {
        $.event.special.tap.tapholdThreshold = 1000,
        $.event.special.swipe.durationThreshold = 999;
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=""></script>

One problem solved, but one left: how to prevent tap after taphold. I have tried everything what I came up with: various settings, hakish event handling and so on. This bug is registered in official jQuery bug tracked. Resolution- “wont fix” 8-o
And suddenly idea strike my head: unbind tap event on taphold and rebind it later. Little bit lame, but ir works :)

$("#object").on('taphold', function(e){
	//do whatever is needed
	setTimeout(function(){		//after 3 seconds return click event, as it was removed
		$(this).on("click", function(){
			// TAP event processing

Looks like these two snippets let scroll, taphold and tap events to behave friendly without teasing each other :-)
Now I can continue to work on next version of spot-in for android.

P.S. I've found a remote Mac service. But about this later, till I be able to test it.

2014/02/04 18:18 · 0 Comments

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