====== RC Plane telemetry ====== I never forgot my old [[project:fpv:telemetry|dream]]- to have my own DIY telemetry system And here after like 7 years, when technology advanced (my knowledge, also)- I have finished building my project. And my main problems are solved with two unit of [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP32|ESP32]] microcontrolers and Android phone. Hardware is two [[https://banggood.app.link/ooStN1TfA4|ESP32]] units with integrated [[https://www.semtech.com/products/wireless-rf/lora-transceivers/sx1278|SX1278]] interface and one Beitian [[https://banggood.app.link/Fe2acZZfA4|BN-220]] GPS and GLONAS receiver. I dont realy like C programming, so my choise of microcontroller was based on availability to use other languages for programming. Initial idea was to use Espruino firmware and use Javascript language for programming. But the issue at the time of research was BLE interface was not available (Harware supports it). Other options was Micropython and LUA. I have burned Micropython firmware into ESP32 So, here is how everything works: microcontroler ESP32 read GPS receiver data, extract required informaation and... taaadaaaa... =) [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LoRa|LoRa]] is used to transfer data to ground unit. Once i've tested range of my LoRa equiped ESP32's units- I've received over 2.2 km LOS at 433mhz. As i'm flying my plane in line of sight- it's plenty for me. Ground unit listend for air unit frequincy, extract data and via BLE interfaace share this information with my Android device. Device application is created using Droidscript. {{gallery> :blog:telemetry:screenshot1.jpg?lightbox&450 }} {{gallery> :blog:telemetry:screenshot2.jpg?lightbox&450 }} Each time i'm testing something new, like programming language, i choose to build solution that would help in my life. This way I can learn more about tool, test is it suitable for me and solve my issue if I succeed. {{tag> ESP32 LoRa BLE BlueTooth Micropython Droidscript Javascript }} ~~DISCUSSION~~